Location: Rochester, Michigan
Located in a mid-century subdivision of Rochester, Michigan, this 1950s house had a lower-level kitchen, designed for one person, and an old carport that had been turned into a family room. This room was cold due to poor heating and design. The owners approached Ekocite Architecture for designs to renovate these areas.
The old carport/family room was demolished down to the foundation and rebuilt for a new kitchen and sitting area. A soaring mono-pitched ceiling and roofline, along with a new front porch entry, were added. The result was a unique, attention-grabbing house with parallel, mono-pitched roofs for historical accuracy.
Testimonial: Tammis worked well with our builder and us, patiently reviewing every small detail, keeping an eye on cost, form and function. – Michelle S. D.
Included in the project:
- Designs used a 1950s time-period mono=pitch roof and ceiling style to grab attention.
- New, open-air kitchen with a sitting area.
- New front-porch entry for added esthetic value.
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